Friday, June 13, 2014

Another Father's Day

It has been over 15 years since I had my children with me for Father's Day and I have not had the pleasure of enjoying a morning where the kids jump on the bed and scream "Happy Father's Day!"  All I remember was when I used todo that with my Father.  I so much wanted to have the same experiences with my kids, but it was not going to be and now that the girls are older the communication has become a bit better, but there is nothing better than having ALL of my kids with me especially on a day earmarked for a guy like me.

I love being a Dad and that is what drives me to be better every day that I breathe.  Like a teacher you never know how you did until one day when you never expect and then you get the word.  I want my kids to just think about me sometimes and just knowing that makes me feel good, but sometimes when you need to hear it most it never comes...but that is what Dad's have to deal with.

My Father was missing quite a bit when I was a kid, but when it was his birthday or Father's Day I would be all over him as if it was the best day ever.  Dad was not a physical Dad...not a lot of hugging or kissing, but toward the end of his long life he began to hug harder and longer and I remember every embrace including the last one I had with him.  The energy and felling that resulted from that last hug got me through so much moving ahead without him.  The feeling never leaves and actually becomes a source of strength for me when things are not so great.

To all the Father's out your kids...hug them and tell them how much you appreciate them and I can guarantee a kid that knows their Dad can express themselves makes a difference in how they will approach you.  Love is not a vulnerability, but a submission of oneself to another and I truly believe I have made my children realize that a man can has emotion while still being the pillar of the family.

Being a Father is the most incredible accomplishment of my entire life.


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